Horizons for Youth is a shelter for at-risk and homeless youth between the ages of 16-24 years old in Toronto. We provide youth with the support they need to escape from the cycle of poverty and leave the streets behind.

Our Mission

To shelter, prepare and guide homeless and at-risk youth to achieve wellness and become contributing community members

Our Vision

A sharing and growing community where everyone has a home.


"Sed dictum ante a leo cursus mattis. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit ipsum at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium. Suspendisse ultrices, tellus vitae varius convallis, ipsum justo commodo dui, a feugiat mauris turpis ut turpis."

— Donovan Mafnas, Impact Volunteer


Housing for Youth in the City of York (A.K.A Horizons for Youth), was established by the City of York Committee in 1989 as an answer to the increased need for a youth shelter within the York region. The York Inter-Agency Network had completed a survey during the same year that revealed that there was at least one young adult every day in the city who required emergency housing. Out of 360 youth identified in the survey, 280 were between the ages of 16 – 20 years-old.

The goal was to shelter at least 30 youth per night in the York community. Once provided with a safe and secure shelter, the objective was to either try to re-establish the youth with family, some other supportive arrangement, or find their own stable living conditions. This mission proved to be successful, and by 1990, the City of York Committee evolved into an incorporated charitable organization, managed by volunteer Board of Directors. The Ministry of Community and Social Services assisted in the funding of the shelter’s construction, and by 1994, the shelter was complete.

In December of 1994, Horizons for Youth officially opened its doors to youth, thanks to the support from community, staff and the Board of Directors. Considered to be in a High Priority Area as determined by United Way, the shelter is nestled within a residential community near Caledonia and Eglington.

At first, Horizons for Youth provided shelter and supportive programs for up to 35 youth per night. As the growing homelessness crisis continued to rise in Toronto, the City asked Horizons to provide shelter to an additional 10 more youth in 2015. The shelter continues to provide meals, hygiene facilities and supportive programs and services.

Horizons for Youth is a proud member of the Ontario Association of Youth Hostels and the Youth Shelter Interagency since 1994 and continue to receive support from the United Way of Greater Toronto since 1997.