More Alone than Ever

The term “social isolation” has become part of our everyday dialogue during the COVID19 outbreak. Individuals have been asked by Public Health Officials to physically distance from one another and consequently, there have been growing conversations online about the emotional challenges of spending so much time alone. For homeless youth, social isolation is not a new experience.

Homelessness is an isolating and lonely experience. A leading cause of homelessness is a breakdown of familial relationships. Youth often become homeless because of parental abuse, neglect or rejection, family conflict, or the loss of a caregiver. Horizons for Youth also provides shelter to many young refugees who are separated from their families. Not only are homeless youth removed from their families and networks of support, the stigma of homelessness can lead to further social exclusion. The social stigma of homelessness often causes low self-esteem and self-withdrawal.

Horizons for Youth’s staff members are extremely concerned about the physical and mental health impacts of this crisis on our residents. Social support plays an important role in mental wellness. Recognizing this, our agency encourages and helps youth (re)-integrate into the community and build supportive relationships with others. However, many activities that residents were participating in to increase their social connection are suddenly not taking place. Just a few weeks ago, clients were trying to build relationships with others at work, school, volunteer activities, faith-based organizations, sports leagues and/or community programs. Now, our residents are not participating in these activities. Some residents also do not have family members or friends they can connect with online.

The uncertainty, sadness, and loneliness of this situation are increasing stress and anxiety among our residents. Thankfully, our youth can depend on our amazing frontline staff members. Our team is continuing to provide one-on-one counselling, small group programs, and continuous care, love, and support to our residents.

Learn more about Horizons for Youth’s COVID-19 Response Plan

Learn more about how you can help our residents during this difficult time

Written by Stacey Murie